Music, Podcasts and Audiobooks for a Long Drive

Music Podcasts and Audiobooks for a Long Drive
April 30, 2020
Posted by: Suppose U Drive

Driving long distances can be mind numbing at times, but when you take advantage of the resources that are available, you’ll discover that those hours become opportunities to learn and enjoy new things. We’ve compiled a list of the best apps and options for listening to different kinds of content on the road.

Audiobooks for a Long Drive


Listening to audio books while driving is a great way to fill the silence. Whether you prefer fiction, want to learn more on a specific topic, or practice a new language, most likely has what you’re looking for. For a small monthly fee, you have easy access to thousands of titles, and every genre imaginable.


The Great Courses

Whether you want to listen while driving or unwind after your shift by watching online, if you enjoy learning and taking online courses, check out The Great Courses app. With more than 500 available courses, you gain easy access to both audio and video sessions. Enjoy listening to audio-only courses via their app on various topics, including mythology, biographies on some of the greatest musical composers, conspiracy theories, and so on.

Podcasts for a Long Drive


A podcast is much like a prerecorded radio show in digital media format. A few podcast apps include Podcast Addict, Stitcher, or TuneInRadio. While some podcasts are time sensitive, most are not. Many podcasts are absolutely free and can be downloaded in advance or streamed online. Imagine picking and choosing practically any subject of interest and having it readily available for you to listen to, pause, resume, and even rewind without missing a beat. You can even fast forward through introductions and commercials if you’d like.

Podcasts cover a range of topics including the following:

  • Comedy and Entertainment Podcasts: If you’re in the market for pure entertainment or a good laugh, a quick search will produce several results, where you’re sure to find a style that you prefer.
  • News Podcasts: After driving several hours on a regular basis, it can be difficult to stay up to date on current events. No longer will you need to carve out time in your schedule to listen to real-time news broadcasts because podcasts offer brief snippets and summaries on what’s going on locally and worldwide. A few of the top choices include: CNN 10, NPR News Now, or The Daily.
  • Thought Pondering Podcasts: Exercise your brain while racking up those miles with podcasts such as Nesta, The Deep Thinker, or Hidden Brain. What better time to ponder a few of those unanswered questions and tap into your inner genius?
Music for a Long Drive


Spotify allows you to stream everything from music and podcasts to videos and the service features work from millions of artists around the world. With Spotify, you can even create personalized music playlists on the fly, ideal for a long drive. Additionally, it works across most electronic devices, making it possible to easily transition between tablet, mobile phone, TV, or computer.



Pandora is a series of streaming radio stations that feature oldies and country, 80s classics and hard rock. The basic service is free and you’ll need to listen to ads, but with their premium paid service, it’s commercial free and allows you to personalize multiple playlists.

When you use these apps, no longer will it be necessary to constantly search for a new radio station as you go in and out of range, or find yourself fighting to stay awake. From learning interesting things on a favorite topic, listening to a preferred mentor, or listening to your favorite tunes, those extended hours on a long stretch of road won’t be lonely or boring ever again.

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